- in case of
- 假设: suppose; assume; grant; pres ...
- 万一: just in case; if by any chan ...
- 万一: 1.(可能性极小的假设) just in case; if by any chance 可能下雨, 拿把伞吧, 以防万一。 it may rain; you'd better take an umbrella just in case.2.(可能性很小的意外) contingency; eventuality 准备应付一切万一发生的事故 be prepared for all contingencies one ten thousandth; 防备万一 be ready for all eventualities; be prepared for the worst3.(极小的一部分) one ten thousandth; a very small percentage
- 假设: 1.(假使; 假定) suppose; assume; grant; presume; ansatz; guess; assumption; postulation; supposition 假设一种说法是正确的 assume a statement to be correct; 我们假设这消息是正确的。 let us suppose (that) the news is true.2.(科学研究上对客观事物的假定的说明; 假设) hypothesis 科学假设 a scientific hypothesis
- 假如,万一: in case of
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